
A Compelling CBS News Video

Dear Reader, on  https://www.youtube.com/embed/9FCxuVSkT7k is a memorable 3 minute, 20 second CBS News video about an 8 year old boy, the father he lost to war, and a soldier he recently met.

May I encourage you to watch it.


Thank you to my friend Ben Haney for sharing this brief video with us..


John 4 T A said...

This story is something like an adventure I sort of had yesterday. As I was leaving a restaurant I saw a couple, the man wearing a cap with a patch picturing the name and image of a ship on it. I asked him if he had served on that ship and he said yes, in World War 2. I said I owed the navy thanks for my ride home from Korea, so I said, Thanks for the ride, and thank you for your service." His lovely wife watched us patiently; I suspect she has witnessed similar scenes before. As I was driving home I thought it would have been a pleasure to have anonymously picked up their lunch check as I left, but . . .

Dick Kazan said...

Thank you John for sharing that story with us.