
The Benefits Of War

The benefits of war are not apparent at first, so we need to look more closely:

For war brings mankind down to its lowest common denominator: Fear, hate, murder, torture, rape, homelessness and starvation. It guides us to fanatics and revenge, which are the seeds of each war to come.

But there are benefits to war. In the industrialized world, war or the threat of war provides jobs, as the military industrial complex employs millions of people.

War provides profits to those military industrial complex companies, including big bonuses to their executives and a high rate of return to their shareholders.

War employs vast numbers of medical providers, for many soldiers who fight the wars and survive need a lifetime of medical care thereafter.

Peace on the other hand employs few people, pays no big executive bonuses or high rates of return to shareholders.

But it would offer love and happiness and it would unify mankind to solve its problems and to make this a better world.

Few movies, television shows and video games originate from peace and we have no global holidays to celebrate peacemakers.

But we would have brotherhood, self-confidence and reassurance and would honor God by not destroying His creations and the planet in which they reside.


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